What Photos Capture the Hearts of the Nation? View The MotorEasy Wall of Love

Valentine's Day doesn’t always have to be celebrated with chocolate and roses, when it comes to sharing the love, sometimes a picture can say a thousand words. So this year we asked members and non-MotorEasy members to share a photo of something they love, posting their pictures to the virtual ‘MotorEasy Wall of Love’. With the opportunity to win a Spa Break for the best judged photo, our wall soon became an ode to the many and varied things that pull at the heart strings of the British people.
Read on to see the winning photo and the many photos we loved.
A Person’s Best Friend
As a nation of pet lovers, it came as no surprise to see pets come out top, representing nearly half of all photos shared. Cats and dogs reigned supreme, showing just how special they are to British families and singletons alike. While Alpacas, Horses, Rabbits and a rogue Bearded Dragon Lizard demonstrated the diversity of our affection for our furry and scaley friends.
Aspects of love
Ice cream, cake, a cup of coffee, or a good Sunday roast, proved that nourishing the soul comes in many flavours. While our love for cars reflected an equally eclectic dimension, both classic and modern. Don’t forget you can upload a photo of your car to your MotorEasy account.
Children and family scenes were next, at home and holiday with a host of familiar UK destinations much in evidence – Stonehenge, Cornwall, Scotland, Wales, Bristol and Leeds.
In the wake of lockdown, it was clear to see just how much travelling and spending time with the family mean to us. There were shots of Greece, Spain, New York, Rome and camping in France amongst a host of tropical sunsets.
Competition Winner
When it came to capturing a moment in time, we couldn’t help fall for the assorted range of wedding shots received. And while it proved a difficult task selecting an overall winner, it was a photo of Lee captioned ‘Red roses from my love (my wife sewed my wedding suit)’ that captured our hearts.
The red roses on Lee’s suit were truly unique and all the more special, given the sewing efforts of his wife to be. Lee, we hope you both enjoy your spa break!
You can still view all the entries here